that the whole family should just commit suicide together to redeem ourselves . 償って 一家心中しろって 言われてましたから。
you are such a selfish pig for trying to commit suicide together just because she rejected your feelings ! 自分の気持ちが拒絶されたから 無理心中しようだなんて
however , the next year , his territory was suddenly confiscated by nobunaga and afterwards he was sent to mitsuhide akechi , and ordered to commit suicide together with his son and heir shugo mitsubuchi . だが、翌年になって信長によって突如所領を没収されて明智光秀の元に預けられて、嫡男・三淵秋豪とともに自害を命じられるのである。
in 1615 , sadatsugu was ordered by the shogunate to commit suicide together with his son juntei tsutsui on charge of his secret communication with the people of osaka-jo castle (the enemy ) during winter siege of osaka . そして1615年、定次は大坂冬の陣で城方に内通したという責めによって、幕命により息子の筒井順定とともに自害を命じられた。